Grow a Profitable One-Person Business

Creator Quest is a proven roadmap for starting and sustaining an online business in 2024.

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🚀 Unlock Your Potential

Do you feel like your ambition is confined to a job, and that you're not using your 4-year degree to its fullest potential? Times have changed, where you can now use the power of the internet and AI to build a profitable online business, from your bedroom.

💡 The Truth About Business

You don't need to be the next Elon Musk, or build the next Google. How would your life change if you made an extra $3000 per month with the knowledge and skills you already have? We'll teach you everything you'll need to reliably build a profitable online business that gives you flexibility and freedom.

🙏 Our Approach is Simple

You don't need to hire employees, take out a loan, or get permission from anyone. The only thing you need to get started is a clear and proven roadmap to follow.

About Us

Hey, it's Mike and Matty. We're the brothers who created Cajun Koi, and all the Quest courses. Back when we were working full time as doctors, we decided to start a side hustle. A few years later, our side hustle had turned into a small business that allowed us to stop relying on a day job for income.

Our business goals are simple: optimizing for a lifestyle of freedom, flexibility, and fun. Notice how maximizing on financial gain, and building the next internet empire are not on the list. We asked ourselves what kind of life we wanted to live, and set clear goals to make it reality.

And with rapidly advancing technology, we continue to operate without any employees, and automate large portions of the business so that we continue earning when we're not working.

We work when we want, from anywhere we want, and on anything that interests us. Ultimately, it's hard to compete with someone who's just having fun.





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